Friday, December 26, 2008

Our First Christmas

Christmas came and went way too fast this year! And it was not what I expected, it was much, much more! My amazing husband went above and beyond and proved to me what a thoughtful person he is. I really was not expecting anything from him for Christmas. We don't have a lot of money and it just did not seem like it was going to happen. My husband had all my gifts wrapped the night before and even snuck out during the night to fill my stocking. It was so cute. He got me several presents that I really enjoy; David Archuleta, a cook book, a really pretty necklace, a purple soft bath robe, Wall E and some other little goodies. While I was over joyed at how thoughful and well prepared my husband was, It was so nice just spending time with him. We put in our new CD's and just snuggled on the couch, and then we danced! It snowed like cr-cr-cr-crazy and we braved the snow and went to my parents house where we had a great time spending time with each other. Mom made a great Dinner and got us amazing presents. After that, we went and saw bedtime stories with our friend and then came home, made tacos (the boys wanted to try out the hot sauce that my mom had gotten mike) and watched Wall E. It was a great first christmas and I am so thankful to have a husband that loves me so much!!!!!!! Until Next Year!

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